Welcome to the WV Mountaineer Rental Assistance Program
If you have experienced hardship due to or during the COVID-19 Pandemic and need assistance to pay your Rent, Utilities, and Internet, you may be eligible for this program.
If you have questions about whether you qualify, please call 211 or for immediate assistance, try using our virtual agent at the bottom of each page.
If you are a returning applicant or landlord, please login using the Login button at the top of the page using the email and password you used to create your account.
If you are a first-time user, either a tenant or landlord and would like to apply for rental assistance or register as a landlord, you must: (read entire section before starting)
- Click on the “Apply as a Tenant” or “Register as a Landlord” button below
- On the page where it asks for an email and password, click “Create an Account”
- Complete the requested information and click on “Register Account”
- You will then receive a verification email to the email address used for registering
- Click on the link provided to verify your account
- You are now ready to begin your application by logging in using the email and password used to create your account
- You will be directed back to the Welcome page, and to begin your application, please click on the “Apply as a Tenant” or “Register as a Landlord” button again
If you have questions while completing your application, please call (866) 623-6284 or use our virtual agent at the bottom of each page.

When applying as a Tenant, you can:
- Apply online and track the status of your claim
When registering as a Landlord, you can:
- Send Invitations to your tenants to apply for assistance, via bulk upload or single entry input
- Track the status of your tenant’s claim(s)